Book 5 to Halloween . . .

Monster Party The spooky season is full of ghosts & goblins, mummies & monsters. In this picture book, I teamed up with the amazingly talented Tim Palin to show young artists how to draw some of those ghoulish creatures using numbers. Oh, and this book was also set to music by Emily Arrow!

Book 6 to Halloween . . .

Creepy Urban Legends This title touches on some scary modern tales, from the Slender Man to Hanako-San, a creepy Japanese ghost. Hanako-San haunts school bathrooms, and if there is an out-of-order stall (the third one to be exact) that will be where she dwells. Just don’t ask, “Are you there, Hanako-San?” You don’t want to… Continue reading Book 6 to Halloween . . .

Books 8 & 7 to Halloween

Tower of London Could You Escape the Tower of London Doubling up here because I’ve written two books about one of the most haunted places on Earth. Both are interactive books in which readers choose the paths to follow. Some paths lead to salvation while others end in doom! In Tower of London, readers attempt to… Continue reading Books 8 & 7 to Halloween

Book 9 to Halloween . . .

Eek and Ack vs the Wolfman Eek & Ack was my first original graphic novel series. These space alien brothers are set on conquering our big blue home, and not in your typical fashion. Once they try covering the planet in the ooze from a million snottle bugs. Another time, they try zapping it with a… Continue reading Book 9 to Halloween . . .

Book 10 to Halloween

My countdown to Halloween begins with a retelling of Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The tale of Ichabod Crane’s confrontation with the Headless Horseman has long been a classic amongst fans of the spookiest time of the year, and it has inspired countless adaptations. For my graphic novel retelling of this fabled tale,… Continue reading Book 10 to Halloween

Review — Quest to the Forbidden Mountains

A fun and original story . . . Adventures in Foreverland: Quest to the Forbidden Mountains is a combination of an interactive book and DIY adventure that is unreservedly recommended for children ages 8-15.—Children’s Bookwatch

Behind the Scenes of Adventures in Foreverland

I began working with WazLab Books shortly after the pandemic forced us all to work (and learn) from home, and for me, my latest book, Quest to the Forbidden Mountains, was among the best things to come out of the trials and tribulations of the past few years. Lou Basilone, one of the founders of… Continue reading Behind the Scenes of Adventures in Foreverland

Adventures in Foreverland. WazLab Books, 2022.

Quest to the Forbidden Mountains

It is always exciting to have a new book coming out, and Quest to the Forbidden Mountains, book 1 in the Adventures in Foreverland series, will be hitting bookshelves this month! It’s Celebration Day! Thomas and his best friend Beamer are headed to the castle to join in on the fun. But as the festivities… Continue reading Quest to the Forbidden Mountains

Shay’s Rebellion

It’s been more than 15 years since I served as the managing editor for Capstone’s Graphic Library brand. The idea of telling stories through sequential art was new to me back then, and to fully understand the potential of the format, I felt a need to try my hand at writing a graphic novel script.… Continue reading Shay’s Rebellion

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