National Geographic Kids

This month I have two new books being released: Everything Dinosaurs and Everything Mythology, both published by National Geographic. The exciting part, for me, is that I grew up reading National Geographic Magazine. It’s how I learned about dinosaur fossils, exotic animals, and all the strange places around the world. National Geographic was part of… Continue reading National Geographic Kids

Friendship Poems

Since graduate school, I haven’t worked on a lot of poetry, other than dabbling here and there with cinquains. But earlier in the year I was asked to compose children’s poems to be included in several anthologies due out next spring. The first batch was for Trust, Truth, and Ridiculous Goofs—all poems about friendship. Below… Continue reading Friendship Poems

Terry Brooks

Some of  you may know the story behind the book (JRR Tolkein’s The Hobbit) that nudged me toward wanting to be a writer. While Tolkein may have planted the seed, it was Terry Brooks, and his Shannara trilogies, who nourished my aspirations. Yeah, I was big into fantasy when younger, and the genre still holds… Continue reading Terry Brooks


One of my publishers recently asked me to write a few children’s poems for an anthology on friendship, and there were specific forms that they wanted the poems to be written in. I was ecstatic to learn that one was a cinquain—that’s one of my favorite forms. I even have a twitter feed DaillyCinquain that… Continue reading Cinquains